\\ public function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) {\\ \\ if($mode != 'xhtml') return false;\\ \\ if (count($data) == 3) {\\ list($syntax, $attr, $content) = $data;\\ if ($syntax == 'sxh') {\\ //Check if there's a title in the attribute string. It can't be passed along as a normal parameter to SyntaxHighlighter.\\ if (preg_match("/title:/i", $attr)) {\\ // Extract title(s) from attribute string.\\ $attr_array = explode(";",$attr);\\ $title_array = preg_grep("/title:/i", $attr_array);\\ //Extract everything BUT title(s) from attribute string.\\ $not_title_array = preg_grep("/title:/i", $attr_array, PREG_GREP_INVERT);\\ $attr = implode(";",$not_title_array);\\ // If there are several titles, use the last one.\\ $title = array_pop($title_array);\\ $title = preg_replace("/.*title:\s{0,}(.*)/i","$1",$title);\\ //Add title as an attribute to the // tag.\\ $renderer→doc .= "// %%\%%// "brush: ".$attr."// %%\%%// " title=// %%\%%// "".$title."// %%\%%// ">".$renderer→_xmlEntities($content)."// ";\\ } else {\\ // No title detected, pass all attributes as parameters to SyntaxHighlighter.\\ $renderer→doc .= "
\"brush: ".$attr."\">".$renderer→_xmlEntities($content)."
";\\ }\\ } else {\\ $renderer→file($content);\\ }\\ }\\ \\ return true;\\ }\\