
Definition of important terms (2020-11-24)

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Group: I_20/21 Here are all definition of necessary terms for our work.


„Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the reader, the text, and the context of the reading situation.“ The definition comes as a result from 15 years of research of the Michigan Reading Association (MRA) (Wixson et al., 1987, S.750)

„Reading is a process in which information from the text and the knowledge possessed by the reader act together to produce meaning. Good readers skillfully integrate information in the text with what they already know.“ (Anderson et al., 1985, S.3)

Reading Comprehension

Reading from the heuristic perspective of the RAND Reading Study Group means „the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.“ (Snow, 2002) This process consists of three elements (the reader, the text and the activity of reading) that influence and interact with each other.

Janice M., Keenan and Rebecca S., Betjemann and Richard K. Olson (2008) found, by comparing the most common reading tests, that reading comprehension is not clearly understood by the scientific community or at least they believe that the different comprehension tests measure the same thing. They found out that reading comprehension is strongly dependent on individual abilities, which are influenced by age and reading experience, for example.


medium – noun (METHOD)

a method or a way of expressing something

medium – noun (PERSON)

a person who says that they can receive messages from people who are dead

medium – noun (SUBSTANCE)

a substance that something grows in, lives in, or moves through

(MEDIUM | Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary, n.d.)

We use the first definition to define medium in our work. Both digital and print media can be used for reading. The media used in our study to display text are different from each other and therefore it is not possible to conclude from them to all media. When we speak of text media in this study, we mean our media in their special form.


remote – adjective (DISTANT)

remote – adjective (DIFFERENT)

remote – adjective (SLIGHT)

remote -adjective (NOT FRIENDLY)

remote – noun

(REMOTE | Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary, n.d.)

Remote Study

By trying to control as many interfering variables as possible, the study should come as close as possible to a laboratory study. It takes place in an environment chosen by the participant and it is conducted by the investigators, but they are not physically present. The experiment is controlled and directed remotely. In this case it is a synchronous study which means the experimenter is constantly available during the study.