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Evaluation of the study (2019-03-08)

Tagged as: evaluation, results
Group: F In this blog entry we present our results, which we use in our submission. Not every evaluation is included, only the combinations of varibales that we deemed to be important for our research got included. Different statistical tests were used.

Evaluation of the study

The post evaluation was made by watching the videos we recorded, when the subjects were doing the study. We identified task times by the time the subject pressed on the task folder (first click) until he finished the task (last click). Additionally, we examined the error rate at the end of our evaluation. We had 30 participants in total (10 Linux, 10 Windows and 10 Mac) and therefore 30 representative videos. For our evaluation, we transcripted the whole study into tables we could work with. To prove our hypothesis (several H1 and H0), we used different statistical tests to prove them. We used t-Tests and linear regressions for testing the significance and correlation.