Preparation of study prototyp (2019-01-03)

Tagged as: blog, study, update, prototyp
Group: H We are currently implementing the progress bar prototyp for the study.


To replicate the study from Harrison et al., we are implementing a prototyp that uses the same layout and behaviour.

We built a web prototyp based on bootstrap with different pages for each of the study.

To animate the progress bar we used the code from [src].

Study procedure

We have agreed with our supervisor that we will review the paper and studies by Harrison et al. in that we do a total of 3 studies. The first study is structured in the same way as Study 1 by Harrison et al. Here, 5 loading bars are compared with the same speed but different frequency alternating between blue and light blue patterns.

In the second study, the same loading bars should be compared with loading bars with small heights. The styling of the respective bars remains the same.

In the third study, the previously known loading bars will be compared with a charging circuit. The important thing here is that the area of ​​the charging circuit that is filled in contains the same number of pixels as the original charging bar.