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Conclusion Literature Research & Expert Interviews (2018-12-18)

Tagged as: literature research, expert interview, market analysis
Group: A This entry will summarize our conclusion on the literature research and the market analysis. Also we will give a short insight on the planning regarding our upcoming expert interviews.

Conclusion Market Analysis

Following the research concerning different aspects of usability testing tools and the differences between synchronous, asynchronous, moderated and unmoderated remote testing tools. We searched in Blogs and other Websites concerning the topic of usability evaluation and which programs were used. We wrote down the names, functions and if found ratings from users and categorized them. We found that some companies do not only provide the program, but also have a pool of possible participants, so testers don’t need to gather test-subjects on their own, sometimes with detailed filtering options, for example for regions or demographic groups. Sometimes they also provide the researchers, that moderate the sessions. It’s more a service than a product. Others report that it is common practice to use conference tools, like Skype, to conduct moderated synchronous remote usability tests. It seems that moderated Remote Usability Tests are used early in the development process, in order to identify Usability and User Experience problems in prototypes and early implementations.

Expert Interviews

We decided to run semi-structured expert interviews as a pre-study, to get insights from experts (Research & Economy) dealing with usability studies. Overall we reached out to 9 experts from both fields.
The core questions are the following one:

  • Which Usability-Testing-Tools are you using?
  • Which functions are the most important for you?
  • Are there aspects, in specific applications which you think are good implemented?
  • Which features you think could be improved?
  • Are you using any Remote-Usability-Testing Tools, and if yes can you name them?
  • Why are you using them and what features you like the most on them?
  • Which negativ aspects regarding Remote-Usability-Testing Tools can you name and please also explain why the are negativ in your eyes?
  • What are the core features of any Usability-Testing-Tool (normal and remote) for you?
  • Which informations / data do try to gather using these tools?
  • What quality the data must have in your opinion and how can this quality be ensured by the tool / during the test?

So far we got an answer from every expert we asked per e-mail. Sadly only 4 from 9 experts told us that they are using usability-tools and agreed to a face to face interview. One expert will send us the the answers per e-mail. So overall 5 experts took part. All face-to-face interviews will be audio recorded and transcribed. The data we gather during these interviews will be used to design and extend our main study.