Results and current work (2019-03-01)

Tagged as: blog, results, paper, current work
Group: B First results and current work


Our study showed that our built task corpus takes both users needs and scientific findings into account. Our metrics and evaluation methods give a deeper insight to participant’s opinions. They also reveal objective results that give hints about a software’s weakness. In this case, the task completion time is a good indicator to show that user complete tasks generally faster when using the mobile device.


We presented the creation of a task and metric set for the evaluation and comparison of photo storage applications. We could show that the created set of tasks can test and analyse photo storage applications. Furthermore our tasks ensure that user needs as well as scientific knowledge are taken into account. Our metrics and evaluation methods provide qualitative and quantitative feedback. The created task set is a good basis which can be expanded for specific contexts and with more tasks to get a bigger evaluation field.


A few days ago we finished our paper. The paper follows the ACM-Format and is structured as the following:

  • Introduction
  • Related Work
  • Pre-Study
  • Main-Study
  • Results
  • Limitations
  • Conclusion and Future Work

Current Work

Actually we are doing a Peer-Review of two papers of other groups from our seminar. We got a from to submit our thoughts about the paper including the structure, writing and the presented work.