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lehre:ws18:fsm_18ws:group_c [19.03.2019 11:27] fia06900lehre:ws18:fsm_18ws:group_c [19.03.2019 11:28] (aktuell) fia06900
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
 members_            : Vitus Maierhöfer, Felix Riedl, Andrea Fischer members_            : Vitus Maierhöfer, Felix Riedl, Andrea Fischer
 keywords_           : latency, latency variance, user experience, performance, user study keywords_           : latency, latency variance, user experience, performance, user study
-photo_img           : {{ :lehre:ws18:fsm_18ws:bildvorhauptstudie.jpg?nolink&600|}}+photo_img           : {{ :lehre:ws18:fsm_18ws:bildvorhauptstudie.jpg?nolink&600 |}}
 shortdescription    : The influence of base latency on task performance and user experience while interacting with a computer system is a well researched topic. Yet, most components of a system do not provide a stable, but a fluctuating intensity of latency. It has not been researched how this variance is taking effect on the dimensions of performance and user experience. This is why we explore how latency and latency variance influence the performance and experience in the context of computer gaming. Before beginning study conception, we identified an adequate measuring method for the latency characteristics of our study prototypes. Next, a preliminary study with 30 participants was conducted using a custom low latency HID and a custom game prototype in order to explore valid parametrization ranges for base latency and latency variance. Based on the insights of the preliminary study, a more extensive main study was conducted, testing the influence of base latency and latency variance in the range of a Fitts’ Law-style game on 33 participants. We could establish the influence of base latency on player performance and the influence of high base latency on pleasure while playing. The results for different latency variances showed no differences, but may be influenced by limitations of our prototype: A setup based on open source and off-the-shelf components and software was chosen for higher replicability of the study, which came with a high end-to-end latency and a reduced the range of absolute latency variances. shortdescription    : The influence of base latency on task performance and user experience while interacting with a computer system is a well researched topic. Yet, most components of a system do not provide a stable, but a fluctuating intensity of latency. It has not been researched how this variance is taking effect on the dimensions of performance and user experience. This is why we explore how latency and latency variance influence the performance and experience in the context of computer gaming. Before beginning study conception, we identified an adequate measuring method for the latency characteristics of our study prototypes. Next, a preliminary study with 30 participants was conducted using a custom low latency HID and a custom game prototype in order to explore valid parametrization ranges for base latency and latency variance. Based on the insights of the preliminary study, a more extensive main study was conducted, testing the influence of base latency and latency variance in the range of a Fitts’ Law-style game on 33 participants. We could establish the influence of base latency on player performance and the influence of high base latency on pleasure while playing. The results for different latency variances showed no differences, but may be influenced by limitations of our prototype: A setup based on open source and off-the-shelf components and software was chosen for higher replicability of the study, which came with a high end-to-end latency and a reduced the range of absolute latency variances.
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