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Results of the mainstudy (2019-02-18)

Tagged as: mainstudy, results, evaluation
Group: D Evaluation of the mainstudy and analyzing the data to see, if ranking is an alternative to likert scales

During the evaluation of the mainstudy we noticed that we should have included the time of the two evaluation systems in the data collection in order to get a quantitative statement regarding the suitable alternative. Unfortunately this was missed and the ranking system, the likert evaluations and the ground truth data, i.e. the Fitts´Law tests were compared against each other. The data was used to determine that the overall result, i.e. for all 24 participants, the order of the mouse tracking speeds for the Likert Scale System and the Ranking System was the same. If the time of the respective evaluation had been determined, a statement could be made as to whether the ranking system delivers the same overall result despite a different time expenditure. The results of the individuals were also considered, a distinction can be made here, but some respondents indicated that the assessment of the Fitts´ Law test processing was difficult due to the small temporal difference in the results, i.e. the temporal difference is sometimes in the hundredths of a second range.