Background and goals (2018-11-21)

Tagged as: blog, background, goals, introduction, overview
Group: F This first entry is about the project in general, its background, the goals of it and serves as a status update of what we have done so far.

Project background:
Different operating systems have different file managers and each of them also has a variety of different kinds of managers as well.
But which one of them is best for which task?
Are there any differences in usability or do some of them have an advantage over the others?
Maybe there is also a difference in which file manager one prefers, depending on how much previous experience one has with file managers or computers in general.

Project goals:
This project aims to answer the previously mentioned questions.
It entails listing, explaining and comparing the different managers, as well as creating a task corpus.
The corpus can be used to compare the workflow and suitabiliy of different managers, when performing similiar tasks.
Answers to these questions shall be found through user studies in the context of this project.

Steps so far:
In the early stages of the project we first met with our stakeholder once, in order to gain more insight about the project and its tasks.
There we got more information about the projects context and about the courses goals.
Based on what we learned there, we did some early research for relevant literature.
We also completed the organisational tasks like setting up the blog page and the file management site.
For the next course session we also prepared our first presentation.