Snapchat Demographic Comparison (2018-12-06)

Tagged as: blog, status, update, study, snapchat
Group: H Further examination of a replicable Snapchat user study

Status Update

Overall it is still not that easy to find replicable studies that we can use. Searching for terms like „popular studies“, „studies to replicate“ do ne deliver relevant results.

Snapchat demographic comparison


For Snapchat users that are over 25 the Application is „a bit of a mystery“. Why would someone want to send self-destructing pictures and what do all the buttons, frames and signs mean?


  • Remote usability study
  • 18 first-time Snapchat users
  • 6 between age of 18 and 24
  • 6 between 25 and 40
  • 6 over the age of 40


Users primarily found it „fun“ to use the application. None of them said it was „useful“ oder „helpful“. The audience has to be open, creative and rather should not question the intention of using it.