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Carrying out the study (2019-02-07)

Tagged as: blog, study, update
Group: H Last week, we had 24 participants carry out our study.

Last week, we did our study in a room at the university with 24 participants. The participants had to work on three different studies, in each of which different types of loading bars were presented. We are satisfied with the data we were able to collect and that we were able to acquire a sufficiently high number of subjects.

After initial assessments and observations as well as from surveys of the participants, we were already able to detect a tendency of the respective study results. Once these have been substantiated by statistical evaluations, we can insert them in our written report.

We have stored the log files with the data in a Google Drive archive so that both editors have access to it. We now import this data into Excel spreadsheets and apply the method described by Harrison et al. mentioned sign test to get significant values.