Specifying & defining the project between two groups (2020-11-14)

Tagged as: blog,
Group: A_20/21 Having many groups interested and two assigned to this project, we needed to define different goals and agreed on a split between a technical focus (us) and a content focus (Group B).

With large interest in the topic and two groups assigned it with reservation, the scope and differences between the group's project goals needed to be discussed.

After the initial assignments Andreas set a date to discuss a possible split. Before this meeting Fabian and i discussed various ways to achieve this study goal and came to the conclusion to suggest a split between measurable video metadata and different video content / structure as a way to have both groups work on it. Andreas and the other group came towards the same conclusion and we agreed to foucs on technological aspects while the other group focuses on content.

However we also agreed to cooperate on tasks prior to our individual study fields.