Project intro (2020-11-18)

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Group: F_20/21 We want to find out how the use of an RFID-based tracking system of personnel files in the administration of the University of Regensburg changes the way employees work.

The administration of the University of Regensburg still works with paper files to record personell information. With various departments needing physical access to the paper files it becomes challenging to keep track where paper files are currently located. As employees in the administration often have several files in their workspace, they too are sometimes loosing track of the files they currently possess. Combining those two issues it can lead to problems in the workflow when the need of a paper file arises which cannot be found.

Hence in a previous work a system to track the paper files via RFID tags was developed, called „PATrack“. In a next step the rollout of this system is planned. Our plan is to observe and evaluate this process. In particular, we are interested to find out how PATrack influences the way employees work and to identify problems in its use.