First Pilot study and kick-off study (2021-01-08)

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Group: I_20/21 Short overview to first pilot study and kick-off action for our study

First pilot-study

Discovered difficulties:

  • White Noise is too loud. Participants are nt able to understand the instructor
  • Difficulties with the saving of the cloze texts
  • Resolution of the test not ideal (too many don't have the recommended resolution)
  • Direction of papertext is sometimes unclear
  • Not obvious for participant to only read text once


  • Use Pink Noise instead at a lower level. Pink Noise is more pleasant for participants.
  • Further instructions were included for saving the cloze texts
  • Direction of papertext is indicated with an arrow.
  • Instructions to read text only once are included

Kick-off study

With the promising results of the first pilot study we decided to kick off the main study with the little improvments we made. For this we finished the documents we need to send to our participants like the ruler, the card and the instructions. A call for participation was puplished at the forum medieninformatik and in our personal circle of friends. The shipment of the documents can start at 11.1.21 and the testing can start at 14.1.21 .