01 - Initial blog post about the project (2020-11-16)

Tagged as: blog, initial
Group: J_20/21 This initial blog post outlines the current standing of the project and what needs to be done regarding the next steps.

The initial idea and the goals for this project are now outlined on the project site. The presented information offers the motivation for this project. Today, we were being made aware of results for a survey that included feedback from lecturers and students for online learning that is likely a good source for the introduction to our paper. It offers some insights into the preferences of students and how often asynchronous and synchronous learning methods were used (primarily asynchronous 37.6%, 28.4% synchronous, 23.9% hybrid of both, 17.4% no interaction and only self-study). It should also be noted that among the didactic complaints that were raised by 60% of students, insufficient interaction was mentioned as one of the major problems. Therefore we should mention the findings of this survey as a source for our motivation.

One aspect that has still to be discussed is the scale of the project, since the initial idea was far too ambiguous for the research seminar. It is therefore still unclear:

  • how many forms of interaction and which we want to compare (synchronous vs. asynchronous, text vs. hybrid form, all three?)
  • which group of students we want to recruit and for how many sessions
  • which effect we want to investigate (at this point probably the effect on content understanding)

As a next step, a meeting with the advisor for this group seems necessary to break down what needs to be investigated. Besides this, we want to search for relevant literature to this topic to start the literature review.


  • Kevin Angermeyer (Kevin.Angermeyer@stud.uni-regensburg.de), 4th semester, M.Sc. Media Informatics