Influence of auditory latency on game experience and player performance

Influence of auditory latency on game experience and player performance
David Halbhuber
Maximilian Huber
Unity, Gaming, Latency


Generally speaking, latency is the difference in time between cause and effect. In human-computer interaction (HCI), latency is the time that passes before a user perceives the reactions to his actions. The perception is not limited to one channel, but can be auditory, visual or haptic in nature [1]. High latency leads to poor performance and user experience in the HCI[2, 3]. Video games are also affected by these negative effects. Players score fewer points, need more time to work on certain tasks, or can not solve certain tasks at all [4, 5].

Zielsetzung der Arbeit

Sound with changeable latentz is added to an already existing 3d game. A user study is then carried out where the participants play the same game both with and without audio latency. The values ​​are logged and statistically evaluated. A questionnair is used to measure user experience.

Konkrete Aufgaben

  • Literature research
  • Implementing sound to an existing video game
  • Conduct a user study
  • Evaluate the data
  • Write the scientific paper

Erwartete Vorkenntnisse

  • Programming in unity and c#
  • Data analysis

Weiterführende Quellen

[1] Latency. (2021). Wikipeda., Retrieved: 12.03.2021 [2] Jota, R., Ng, A., Dietz, P. & Wigdor, D. (2013). How fast is fast enough? a study of the effects of latency in direct-touch pointing tasks. In Proceedings of the sigchi conference on human factors in computing systems (S. 2291–2300). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/2470654.2481317 [3] Annett, M., Anderson, F., Bischof, W. F. & Gupta, A. (2014). The pen is mightier: Understanding stylus behaviour while inking on tablets. In Proceedings of graphics interface 2014 (S. 193–200). CAN: Canadian Information Processing Society. doi: 10.5555/2619648.2619680 [4] Beigbeder, T., Coughlan, R., Lusher, C., Plunkett, J., Agu, E. & Claypool, M. (2004). The effects of loss and latency on user performance in unreal tournament 2003®. In Proceedings of 3rd acm sigcomm workshop on network and system support for games (S. 144–151). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/1016540.1016556 [5] Eg, R., Raaen, K. & Claypool, M. (2018). Playing with delay: With poor timing comes poor performance, and experience follows suit. In 2018 tenth international conference on quality of multimedia experience (qomex) (S. 1–6). doi: 10.1109/QoMEX .2018.8463382