
Evaluating the SAM Questionnaire for HCI Research

Members: Polina Ugnivenko, Melanie Kloss


Placeholder Thema D


The Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) is a short self-reporting questionnaire designed to record a participant’s given pleasure, arousal, and dominance, using pictures to convey the scale. Given its non-verbal design, the questionnaire is readable to people regardless of age, language skill or other educational factors. The questionnaire finds usage predominantly in the field of psychology, with only few examples of its usage in HCI.

The Self-Assessment Manikin Questionnaire is pictured in the image below, taken from Bradley & Lang (1994).

Bradley, M. M., & Lang, P. J. (1994). Measuring emotion: The self-assessment manikin and the semantic differential. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 25(1), 49–59.


The goal of this project is to assess whether and how the SAM questionnaire is applicable in Human-Computer-Interaction tasks and whether it can produce valid and useful results in this field of research specifically.


Update Study Concept and Design (2020-12-16)

Further updates on Study design and methodology - including updated schedule (more...)

Study design (2020-12-01)

Intermediate status of planning the study design (more...)

Definitions Part 1 (2020-11-25)

The first word definitions relevant for the topic. These being the definitions for the terms used as scale names for the SAM and definitions for test quality criteria which will be helpful in measuring the SAMs performance. (more...)

Overview SAM and research (2020-11-17)

This entry describes the process of the literature research and gives an overview about relevant studies, related to the topic. (more...)

Introduction to the project (2020-11-16)

The first entry is meant to describe the research topic and the goals of the project and also mention the involved project members. (more...)

Further Resources